
Recording a journey

I challenged myself to try and look better, everyday to do something that would require more effort from my person, in order to look as some would call it "attractive". From the obvious opinion that I am not, at all, attractive, I try and make an effort to look presentable so people can take me more seriously, which in fact has been a problem for the past years. People tend to think I'm younger, a boy, or older...so I really don't know which route to take other than my own. A path to self discovery it is!
So, beyond the "read more" are a few photos I took under lack of sleep and bad makeup, because I'm too lazy to care. What will my psychologist say about this...if he heard me say it, he would scold me on the spot :(
By the way, these are from different days, and have the sole purpose of record my journey towards self discovery and growth, because it's been four years since a member of my family took a photo of me because they wanted to keep that moment, in my family, as it is, no one wants to hold memories of...me.
(Fake expressions are fake! ;D )

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