
Those big ears

This is a work of fiction made during a creative writing exercise, last year. By the way, both character are male.
Sitting by the riverside of Oath, I saw the most beautiful of creatures.
His hair was of a silvery texture, dirty with leaves, short, unruly and untamed; it framed a face I couldn’t see, skin so white his hands going in, and out of the water, looked like reflections of the moon that couldn’t come in the midday sun. He walked barefoot, feet dirty with mud and scars that could tell a thousand stories. However, the most amazing of features were his long, white, hairy ears that reminded me those of a rabbit. They lay, in a bundle by his side, atop of leaves and whatever lay by the water’s edge.
Leaning by the tree I gave a careful step towards the creature’s direction, more and more steps, until the leaves made a noise and I stayed very still, waiting for what was to come. He washed his face again, in a swift, smooth gesture; then he turned to me, and it was like time stood still. He had bright red eyes, big and striking, looking at me, questioning me, but I remained frozen gazing upon such curiosity. He got up, such a smooth, delicate action that no human could perform; raised his hands and brushed my cheek with his wet, cold hands. I could feel the water running down my face, touching my neck as he traced those paths with his fingers, shocks of pleasure and adrenaline ran through my veins, such mutual curiosity towards each other, I wanted to know more about this, this person.
A few minutes passed, just like that, my legs growing numb and my hands travelling towards those ears of his, until he stopped, and in his eyes I saw fear. I caressed one of his long, white ears, stroking the fur, removing the leaves that obscured the beauty it conveyed, and then suddenly the fear was gone, for he now wore a bright smile and in those tender eyes I saw longing.

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