
RAIN! I love you you little, why did you take so long?!

I fucking love rain (I've been swearing so much these days, probably 'cause of isolation...being alone at home...all day...for so many days...on vacation...not cool). RAIN IS THE BEST THING EVAHHHHH! I mean ahhhhh, yesterday I got to fall a sleep while listening to the rain, and it was so beautiful! I loved it, missed it, come rain, come....I wanna hear more of your beautiful melodies, and feel you cold sensations....please, please, pretty please!!!! Seriously, I miss rain so bad that sometimes I sprinkle my face with water pretending that it's actually raining. Oh, how I miss going out during a rainy day, get wet as a cat left outside on a rainstorm and come back home to a nice cup of tea. Now I miss rain even more -_-' Ugh, now I'm depressed....?!#%?&%#!
Oh, I've been sculpting lately, it's really enjoyable and mad fun! Here, I made a Finn figure for my friend Catarina (still needs to be painted ;x;)

Lookin' crappy I now, still need to do his hand, feet and base.. and backpack.

My tools all dirty...hehehehehe

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