
Why so awesome?

Why is everyone so awesome?! Thank You you awesome people!!! \( * 3 * )/
P.S.: My cat is sleeping on my laptop (having trouble writing) and my dog is sleeping on my lap. I love them so much and it's astonishing how they return that love back, my dog is the happiest when she sees me, she does everything for me, and when she's sad and feeling sick, she comes to my bed, slips under the covers and lays next to me, it's the sweetest. My cat, he's just as cute. Yesterday he was sleeping on my mother's bed, but when he saw me going to the bathroom he followed me and then slept hugging me. On one side was my dog, and on the other the cat. Someone should have taken a photo. Right now, he's sleeping next to the laptop with his head on my arm, purring. You two! Why so sweeet???? ; )

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