

I always wanted a ball jointed doll, but they're expensive...very, very expensive. So, today I found a Spanish bjd website with the most adorable male doll ever. He's a scarecrow, cute as hell, and the price with everything included (clothing, wig, makeup, everything) is 279 euros. About half of what I was expecting. I want to buy him so bad, I mean argh!!!! I need to buy a computer, but I need to save a lot more money for it. What I agreed was: I'll ask money for Christmas, if until then the doll is still available (presuming I'll have enough money for it) I'll buy it.
Some people buy books, other but guitars, or cd's, or even clothing. Some buy advanced technology and other buy games. I buy a little bit of everything, but maybe, just maybe, I can fulfil my dream of having a bjd.
'Why?' you ask, well here goes nothing:

When I was little, dolls fascinated me. Even now, the human form fascinates me. It's in the science of it, and the art of it, all the parts that make the human body work and appear as functional as it is. And all the flaws, they make it perfect. Breakable, fragile, a beautiful fragility. I remember sewing dresses for my dolls and complaining how their faces were always so unreal, how they didn't move enough, with rigid arms and legs that didn't move. I liked taking photos of them when I was on vacation, but then I would never like the pictures. They were false, they looked ugly and all but natural. I was charmed when I found out about bjd's.
They were realistic, fragile and beautiful, I could sew all the clothing I wanted for them, take photos of them and draw them. And ever since then, I've wanted to buy one. So many years of wanting and I just might be able to fulfil that dream. If only the doll doesn't get sold out. I really want to buy it. It's been a while since I've ever wanted wanted something so much.

well then, bye (:

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